Are Your Sink & Stove Arguing?


If you’ve been in my tribe for awhile you may have heard me say that your home both reflects and affects you. Everything is energy and the things in your home and the way they are positioned impact you.

How do you know if your sink and stove are arguing? 

Look at the placement of the sink and stove in your kitchen. If the sink is directly across from the stove, this is considered an “arguing” sink and stove. This is energetically challenging because it can literally cause arguing in or outside of the home. Many clients don’t mention arguing as an issue, but when I point out the arguing sink and stove and ask them, they agree that they do argue and often right in the kitchen between the sink and stove!  Once we remedied the issue, the arguing subsided.

There are two options for using Feng Shui to remedy this challenging situation:

1. Place a round rug between the sink and stove or place a rug in front of either the sink or stove that has a pattern with circles on it.


2. Hang a crystal from the ceiling between the sink and stove. A 20 mm crystal is a good size. The crystal should be round and made with at least 30% lead (this has a balancing energy to it). The crystal should hang freely and can be hung with a 9″ red (lucky color) thread or 9″ fishing line. In Feng Shui the number 9 is auspicious and is about reaching new heights (and who doesn’t want to do that?!)

The round energy of the rug or crystal will disperse the arguing between the sink and stove and balance the energy in the space.

If arguing continues to be an issue after the adjustment is placed, please reach out to me as there are other circumstances within the home that can also contribute the energy of arguments.

I would also recommend that you energetically clear your space if there has been a lot of arguing in your home (either during or before you moved there, as in the case of a divorced couple having lived there prior to you).  Watch this video for instructions on how to clear your space with sage.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

Health – Center Of It All


In feng Shui and in life, health is key.

The center area of the Feng Shui Bagua represents Health. It touches all other areas of the Bagua, just as the state of your health affects every area of your life, right? Your health affects your creativity, your children, your relationships, your reputation, your finances, your family, your ability to learn, to travel and most definitely affects your career.

There are many things in the center of your home/Bagua that may be affecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health on an energetic level. To learn where your center is, review my blog, Your Space Reflects Your Life – What Is Yours Saying?

The center of your home, as a reflection of your health, should feel safe and welcoming. It’s a bonus if you can actually sit in your center. Add the color Yellow (which is the Feng Shui Health color) or the element of Earth (anything square, earth tones or earthy material such as ceramics) to your center to give your health a boost.

If you have any of these situations in your Bagua center, they could be affecting your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health:

  1. Clutter = Stuck energy and it drains you physically and mentally. It can cause fatigue and depression as well as weight issues or a sense of heaviness. For tips on clearing clutter, check out these blogs:
    Clear Clutter Once and For All!
    Clearing Clutter in “Disguise”
    Do You Need a Clutter Buster?
  2. Bathrooms = Health going down the drain or getting flushed away. We love our metaphors in Feng Shui! For more of the dirty details and what to do to alleviate the draining energy, check out my blog Down the Drain: How Toilets Affect your Life.
  3. Hallway = Energy picking up too much speed, feeling like you can’t catch your breath or slow down enough to relax. If your bedroom is at the end of a long hallway, this can cause digestive issues.
  4. Stairs = Up and down health.
  5. Stove, Fireplace or Furnace = Burn up your health.

As always, whenever you are doing an adjustment, your intention is the most important ingredient.

Remember, never make adjustments when you are tired, angry, lonely or hungry. You want to feel good when making changes to put good energy into your space!

There are many areas besides your center that can be affecting your health. If you are having serious health issues, I recommend consulting with a professional Feng Shui practitioner to help shift the energy and support your return to optimal health.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

er a FREE 20 minute Virtual Coffee Chat. I’d love to get to know you better and give you 2-4 ideas to help you shift the energy in your space and in your life. Click here to book it:

Get your FREE GIFT – 9 Fast Feng  Shui Fixes to Attract Abundance

For more regular inspiration, Connect with me on Facebook: Finding Your Fiji

Kim Julen, Shiftmaster
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader
Life and Business Coach bringing harmony to your head, your heart and your home.

Bells Brrrrring Good Things


Bells are commonly used in Feng Shui for adjustments and for attracting energy and opportunities. Bells are used in many religious and spiritual practices as well. Bells even symbolize holidays such as Christmas or the winter season (think sleigh bells). There’s something magical about the sound of bells that makes you stop and listen. The sound of church bells ringing or a doorbell certainly gets your attention.

Bells represent movement and also have a calling or attraction energy. They can be used for protection and decision making as well. Brass bells are often recommended and you should personally like the sound or tone of the bell if it is something that you are using within your home or office.

So what about bells and Feng Shui? What can a little bell do for you?  Use bells as an adjustment for:

  • Clearing the energy in your home or office
  • Helps you find your ground and keeps your personal balance
  • Front door to brrrring in opportunities
  • Office door to call in new clients
  • Clearing energy in rental spaces/hotel rooms/vendor booths
  • Hotel room door for protection and a feeling of safety
  • Protecting your purse
  • Protecting $$ in your cash box or cash register
  • Ringing over clutter to help you decide what to keep
  • Helpful People corner of your desk to call in more clients

Bells can also be used as an adjustment for certain door situations in Feng Shui. For example, If you have a “empty door” (a door that leads nowhere as in the case of a door to a deck that hasn’t been built yet) you can hang a bell on the door handle, either inside or outside, to remedy this “going nowhere” energy.

Another one of my favorite ways to use bells is to call the money back when you have a door in your Wealth area. My client Amy experienced the power of this adjustment first hand.

“I have always been interested in Feng Shui and have even tried to apply it to my home and office space myself…although without any great success. When I learned that Kim would come and do a consult at my home, I jumped at the opportunity! I was amazed at the subtle changes or fixes I could do and what an amazing impact these can make.

I hung a bell with a purple ribbon on my patio door ‘to call the money back’ and just found a 401K investment from a previous employer valued at almost $100K! I also started as an Independent Meeting Planner a year ago and have had a very prosperous first year that ended with a business trip (and mini vacation) to Hawaii in November. My home feels harmonious and I am energized by all the wonderful things that are happening!”     

Amy-Marie Lemanski, AML Events, Plymouth, MN

You can hang your bell with a purple ribbon as Amy did (symbolizing wealth) or use a 9″ red ribbon. Red is considered an auspicious color in Feng Shui and 9 is about reaching new heights as it’s the last number before the numbers start over.

Find a bell you love and start brrrrringing in good things!


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

Down the Drain ~ How toilets affect your life

Toilets are draining energy

Indoor plumbing is a great convenience. I shudder to think what it would be like to use an outhouse during one of our freezing Minnesota winters!

Toilets are a necessity yet in Feng Shui they represent draining energy. Toilets contain the biggest drains in your home in comparison to sinks, showers or bathtubs. They can literally be a drain on health or wealth or whichever area of your home they are located. The good news is that very simple Feng Shui adjustments can help get things flowing in the right direction again!

In my prior home, we had a bathroom located in the center, which correlates to the Health area. This played out for me as I underwent two surgeries while living there – a hysterectomy and a gall bladder removal. One of my clients had a bathroom in the center of her home as well as a furnace (draining her health and burning it up at the same time!). She had quite a variety of health issues while living there including a tumor that had to be removed. These were mitigated by a few simple Feng Shui adjustments. She ultimately decided to move and has felt healthier in her new space.

In my current home, I have a bathroom in my Wealth corner. To say this has been a challenge is the understatement of the year. When I first moved in, I had the momentum of a great GoldSwap business going, which lasted a couple years. In the last two years, the draining energy of that bathroom in Wealth has taken a toll on my bank account. Thankfully, with the Feng Shui adjustments I have made, things are beginning to turn around! I’ll share more about what I did to address this in the tips below.

Challenging Bathroom Locations

  •  Center of Home ~ drains your health
  •  First seen upon Entry ~ leads to digestive issues
  •  Visible from Kitchen ~ leads to weight/health issues
  •  Wealth area ~ money goes down the drain
  •  Visible from Bed ~ drains energy while you sleep
  •  Over the Stove ~ puts out the fire of wealth and health
  •  Over the Front Door ~ douses opportunities
  •  Upon Entering a Business ~ sets the wrong tone

If you are building or looking for a new home, the best location for a bathroom is outside. Just kidding…unless you really like outhouses! Having the bathroom situated between two guas (areas) of your home is the best placement along the perimeter (not in the center of the home). Refer to my recent post explaining the Feng Shui Bagua. The Bagua is a  mental map that is placed on your home showing where the nine life areas are located.

What Can You Do to Minimize the Draining Effect?

  1.  Keep a lid on it: keep toilet seats closed
  2.  Contain it: keep the bathroom door closed, especially if it can be seen upon entering your home or from the kitchen or bed
  3.  Raise the energy: Place a mirror on each wall of the bathroom (inside or outside walls). The idea is to draw the energy up and out of the drain
  4.  Add plants: Plants are considered a wood element which gives the water something to do (soaks it up)

Simple changes CAN affect the flow of energy into and throughout your home. One client could not get her husband and son to put the toilet seats down, even when she told them how unsanitary it was (Dr. Oz talks about the bacteria floating up into the air as you flush). But when she told them it was poor Feng Shui, they complied!

Check to see where the bathrooms are in your home and pick one action above to reduce their draining energy. Post here or on my Finding Your Fiji Facebook page to share!


Confused about how to lay the Bagua on your home or where to start? 

I am a WWS certified Feng Shui Practitioner and can consult with you regarding your home or office. I offer virtual consultations as well as in person (on Maui or when I’m traveling). Learn more here!

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

Your Space Reflects Your Life – What is yours saying?


Feng Shui can help you move past your current life obstacles or challenges with ease and grace! It works by helping you get clear about what you really want in your life (your intentions) and taking action to shift the energy around the obstacle. It’s a bit like rerouting traffic around an accident scene. The change you make can be very small and simple, like keeping the toilet seat down. It doesn’t cost you anything to do that, yet it will keep your money from escaping down the drain.

I recently heard Doreen Virtue say that no one, not even the well known spiritual teachers including herself, has all their stuff together. Everyone has life issues they are working on. I know I do and I’m willing to bet you do too!

It is the human condition to constantly be seeking more from life, to be continuously launching new rockets of desire.  Maybe it’s your health or your finances that are not up to par. Or perhaps you are still looking for your soul mate or want a more fulfilling career. Are there things you want to learn? Do you want a closer relationship with your siblings or parents?

The Feng Shui Bagua is a core element to understanding how Feng Shui works and how to apply it to your home or office. Feng Shui is based on the principle that your environment reflects and affects your life. It is an ancient Chinese art and science thousands of years old which works to arrange your home in a way that is flowing, peaceful and inviting. Feng Shui brings harmony to your home by unblocking stuck energy and is a powerful tool for attracting the people, circumstances and things you want in your life.

The Four Principles of Feng Shui

  1.  Everything is energy ~ Keep only those things in your space that you truly love and/or use. If it doesn’t raise your energy up, let it go!
  2.  Intention is key ~ Focusing on what you really want as you make Feng Shui changes is important. It is not just about moving your stuff. It’s about WHY you are moving or placing something in a specific location.
  3.  Use nature as a model for balance ~ Balance colors, textures, shapes and elements within your home to bring more harmony.
  4.  Your space reflects your life ~ What does your space say about you? Making changes in your space can effect changes in your life, even moving 1 thing that hasn’t been moved in 6 months can create a shift.

I have been studying and practicing Feng Shui for over 10 years and have learned to recognize subtle things in an environment which effect the flow of energy and opportunities. Being intuitive also helps since I not only see, I also feel the energetic stop signs in your space. These are the things that are blocking you from attracting everything you want. Without ever having met the occupant, I can tell many things about them simply by visiting their space. Using a Bagua, you, too, will be able to recognize what is going on in your life and make changes that will shift you back onto the path to your dream life.

What is a Bagua?

The Feng Shui Bagua (pronounced ba gwa) is a mental map of your space. Each section relates to a life area and has an associated color, element, number and body part. Each area or gua relates to a physical area in your home.

What do I do with a Bagua?

Line the Bagua with the arrows on the bottom, as if you were standing outside your home or office looking at the front door. The front door is the main entrance to your home which has the house numbers, not the entrance you may use all the time (like coming through your garage). Your front door will typically either be in Knowledge, Career or Helpful People. Any attached buildings, including garages and screened porches are included in your Bagua. For more details on how to create a blueprint for your home to use the Bagua, click here: Blueprint creation instructions

Once you have oriented the Bagua on your space, you can look at the life areas you want to improve (such as Career, Wealth, Partnership, Health, etc.) and see what’s happening in that area of your home.

  1. Clear the clutter (including in closets and drawers in that area). For more tips on clearing clutter, check out these blogs:
    Clear Clutter Once and For All!
    Clearing Clutter in “Disguise”
    Do You Need a Clutter Buster?
  2. Remove dead plants
  3. Repair or toss anything that is broken

You can place the Bagua over the main level of your home, an individual room, your desk or even your dresser. Remember the main entrance to your home or the room is always at the bottom so your Wealth corner is the back left of the space and Partnership is back right.

Do me a favor, will you? Place the Bagua on your home and comment below about what you found in your Wealth corner that surprised you or that you had forgotten about!

If your home is not square, there may be missing pieces. I can help you with a personal Feng Shui virtual consult to create your accurate Bagua map. Learn more here:

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels