Are Your Sink & Stove Arguing?


If you’ve been in my tribe for awhile you may have heard me say that your home both reflects and affects you. Everything is energy and the things in your home and the way they are positioned impact you.

How do you know if your sink and stove are arguing? 

Look at the placement of the sink and stove in your kitchen. If the sink is directly across from the stove, this is considered an “arguing” sink and stove. This is energetically challenging because it can literally cause arguing in or outside of the home. Many clients don’t mention arguing as an issue, but when I point out the arguing sink and stove and ask them, they agree that they do argue and often right in the kitchen between the sink and stove!  Once we remedied the issue, the arguing subsided.

There are two options for using Feng Shui to remedy this challenging situation:

1. Place a round rug between the sink and stove or place a rug in front of either the sink or stove that has a pattern with circles on it.


2. Hang a crystal from the ceiling between the sink and stove. A 20 mm crystal is a good size. The crystal should be round and made with at least 30% lead (this has a balancing energy to it). The crystal should hang freely and can be hung with a 9″ red (lucky color) thread or 9″ fishing line. In Feng Shui the number 9 is auspicious and is about reaching new heights (and who doesn’t want to do that?!)

The round energy of the rug or crystal will disperse the arguing between the sink and stove and balance the energy in the space.

If arguing continues to be an issue after the adjustment is placed, please reach out to me as there are other circumstances within the home that can also contribute the energy of arguments.

I would also recommend that you energetically clear your space if there has been a lot of arguing in your home (either during or before you moved there, as in the case of a divorced couple having lived there prior to you).  Watch this video for instructions on how to clear your space with sage.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
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Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

Doors Affect Your Voice & More


In Feng Shui, doors represent the voice of adults in the home (windows are the voice of children – see more tips for children in Back to School Feng Shui Tips). Your doors may be having a bigger effect on your life than you know.

Door issues can cause:

• Arguing
• Complaining or whining
• Confusion
• Lack of direction
• Voices to be silenced
• Blocked energy
• Money going “out the door”
• Relationship conflict
• Slanted vision of life or self
• Opportunities to be limited

One of my clients was a couple struggling with Career issues. He was looking for a new job and she was uncertain about her career path. Balancing an issue with the doors in their Career sector had amazing results for them. The day after they made the adjustment, he received a call back for a third job interview and subsequently got the job. A short while later, she was offered a new job opportunity that she wasn’t even looking for. Balancing the energy in your space CAN shift what’s happening in your life!

Below are a few common door issues and cures to help you start using your “voice” more effectively. Remember, intention is key so focusing on what you want is as important as placing the cure.

  • Having too many doors in an area can cause confusion or lack of direction in that part of your life. Hang a small round crystal (30% lead) or place a round rug in the middle of the doors. This will help balance the energy and create clarity, focus and direction.
  • Have you or others in your household been complaining? Check for squeaking or creaking doors. A little WD40 will go a long ways to stop the complaining “chatter” of the doors and people.
  • Do your front door and back door align (where if you rolled a ball from one it would go out the other)? You may have plenty of money coming in, but this will door issue will lead to it going right out the back door. Place something round anywhere between the two doors (round rug, crystal, bowl, table, etc.) This will deflect the escaping energy and help you save and keep more of what you are earning.
  • Does your new neighbor have a sliding glass door, but no deck? This is considered a “dead” door because it doesn’t lead anywhere. Buy them a sun catcher or a mirror to hang on the door to remedy this dead energy.

Problems with doors lead to an inability to voice your opinions and express yourself. Make sure all of your doors can open fully taking care not to store things behind them. Read more tips for your front door in Shut The Front Door.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels