Health – Center Of It All


In feng Shui and in life, health is key.

The center area of the Feng Shui Bagua represents Health. It touches all other areas of the Bagua, just as the state of your health affects every area of your life, right? Your health affects your creativity, your children, your relationships, your reputation, your finances, your family, your ability to learn, to travel and most definitely affects your career.

There are many things in the center of your home/Bagua that may be affecting your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health on an energetic level. To learn where your center is, review my blog, Your Space Reflects Your Life – What Is Yours Saying?

The center of your home, as a reflection of your health, should feel safe and welcoming. It’s a bonus if you can actually sit in your center. Add the color Yellow (which is the Feng Shui Health color) or the element of Earth (anything square, earth tones or earthy material such as ceramics) to your center to give your health a boost.

If you have any of these situations in your Bagua center, they could be affecting your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health:

  1. Clutter = Stuck energy and it drains you physically and mentally. It can cause fatigue and depression as well as weight issues or a sense of heaviness. For tips on clearing clutter, check out these blogs:
    Clear Clutter Once and For All!
    Clearing Clutter in “Disguise”
    Do You Need a Clutter Buster?
  2. Bathrooms = Health going down the drain or getting flushed away. We love our metaphors in Feng Shui! For more of the dirty details and what to do to alleviate the draining energy, check out my blog Down the Drain: How Toilets Affect your Life.
  3. Hallway = Energy picking up too much speed, feeling like you can’t catch your breath or slow down enough to relax. If your bedroom is at the end of a long hallway, this can cause digestive issues.
  4. Stairs = Up and down health.
  5. Stove, Fireplace or Furnace = Burn up your health.

As always, whenever you are doing an adjustment, your intention is the most important ingredient.

Remember, never make adjustments when you are tired, angry, lonely or hungry. You want to feel good when making changes to put good energy into your space!

There are many areas besides your center that can be affecting your health. If you are having serious health issues, I recommend consulting with a professional Feng Shui practitioner to help shift the energy and support your return to optimal health.


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Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
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Kim Julen, Shiftmaster
WWS Certified Feng Shui Practitioner
Certified Angel Card Reader
Life and Business Coach bringing harmony to your head, your heart and your home.

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