How to Shake Up Your Chi


Clients often share with me that they feel stuck or unmotivated or that they cannot shift a particular area of their life and as a result are feeling frustrated. Sometimes things were going well and then they suddenly feel they have hit a plateau. When this happens, I first recommend energetically clearing both their homes and offices. (For more information on Space Clearing, watch this video or find more information about Space Clearing here.)

Next, I look at how we can shift the energy in their space and their life. Shifting energy is which is what feng shui is all about!

In feng shui, chi refers to energy. Everything has chi or energy – physical objects, cars, homes, offices and even human beings. You may have heard a person’s personal energy referred to as their vibration.

When we are “in flow” our chi/energy is good and we are vibrating at a high level. You have experienced this when you “happened” to be in the right place at the right time or things lined up easily for you, without a lot of effort on your part.

Then there are times when things are not flowing. You may feel like you are moving through mud and perhaps cannot seem to get any traction. Or you may feel like you are not moving at all. You may, in fact, be energetically stuck.

If you’re feeling stuck or out of sorts, it might be time to SHAKE UP your CHI! 

There are many ways to shift out of this stuck place. One of my favorite ways is to shake up your chi. Shifting your chi or energy, allows you to see circumstances from a fresh perspective which leads to ideas and solutions that you cannot access from that stuck place.

The next time you’re feeling stuck, try one of these six ways to Shake Up Your Chi: 

  1. Try something new! Try a new restaurant or food, a new activity, a new experience, a new way of doing something or learning something new (take a class).
  2. Take a new route. Drive down a different road. Take a different route to or from work. Walk a different way. I remember walking the opposite way that I normally would go and saw so many things I never noticed walking the other way. For peeps in Maui, swim at a different beach or hike a new trail.
  3. Move your furniture around. This method shifts the energy in your space in a very real way. My landlord recently brought me different living room furniture and a different kitchen table and it totally changed the energy I felt in that space and opened it up too. Creating more flow by clearing walkways through your house helps too.
  4. Change up your routine. Do your daily activities in a different order, like getting dressed before you look at your phone or meditating, exercising or walking at a different time of day. You could also go in and out a different door (hello front door!), use different dishes – maybe even the fine china. Eat in a different room, like that dining room that is used so rarely. Even putting your right sock or shoe on first instead of your left can shake up your chi!
  5. Pick a random letter and call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile (thanks for this one Gary V). Talking to an old friend or a family member you haven’t chatted with lately can be a great way to remind you what’s important in life too.
  6. And, the ultimate way to shake up your chi?! Go on VACATION or on a RETREAT!!! Yes, it’s true! Changing your physical environment is a wonderful way to shake up your chi, especially if you are visiting a place you have never been or doing something you have never done before.

Comment below to let me know if you try any of these or what your favorite ways are to shake up your chi!


Feng Shui can be confusing. Do you need help figuring out your Bagua? Do you want help determining what to do within your home to boost the power of your intentions for Health, Career, Finances and Relationships?

Let’s chat! I offer a FREE 20 minute Virtual Coffee Chat. I’d love to get to know you better and give you 2-4 ideas to help you shift the energy in your space and in your life.

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels


The Energetic Challenge of Ashes


Keeping ashes in your home is a Feng Shui Challenge

Many people keep the ashes of their loved ones in their homes and often they are placing them in a location within the home that is energetically harming them. The energy of non-living things (not only ashes, but also dried flowers and other “dead” items) can create many difficulties — everything from lost opportunities and income to health and relationship challenges.

Dead things and ashes, whether human or pet remains, represent stuck or stagnant energy and it is best to remove them from your home. If you have dead trees in your yard, remove them. If you have plants that are dead or dying and cannot be revived, remove them.

Note: If the plant was placed as a Feng Shui adjustment and died, it has likely taken the energetic “hit” for you. Thank it for it’s service to you and replace the plant with a bigger or more expensive one.

Remove dried flowers unless they have special significance to you, such as a wedding bouquet. Consider whether you can remember the event through pictures with the living flowers instead. If you wish to keep the dried flowers, preserve and honor them by placing them in a shadow box or other container.

Many of my clients do not wish to remove the ashes of their loved ones from their home. In these cases, I make recommendations on where the ashes can be placed to do the least harm. Let’s first be clear about where ashes should not be placed within the home:

  1. In the Bedroom or outside the bedroom door. The bedroom is your place of rest, rejuvenation and romance. Keeping ashes here can negatively affect your health as well as your romantic relationships, where the deceased loved one is literally coming between you and a vibrant life with those who are still living and with your own body that is still alive.
  2. In the Dining Room. The dining room is where you take in food to nourish your body. We want living things in this space to signify life-giving energy to your body.
  3. In the Kitchen. The kitchen is where your food is cooked, which also nourishes your body and the stove is located here, which is symbolizes your wealth so keeping ashes in this location can affect both your health and your finances.
  4. Near the Front Door. As you’ve read in my previous blogs, the front door is considered the “Mouth of Chi” where all the energy and opportunities come into your home. Keeping ashes, or other non-living things in this area can push opportunities away and prevent abundance from flowing to you.

Ashes you wish to keep should be placed in a common area, like a family room or living room and well away from the front door, kitchen, dining room or your bedrooms.

Do you wish you could connect with your loved one who has passed? I can help you with this! Through my work as an Angel Card reader and psychic I’m able to connect you with your loved ones. I’ve found these souls have beautiful messages for you and are so happy when I’m able to relay them and share the ways they are present in your everyday life. To learn more about my Angel Reading services and book your reading visit my website.

There is a special Feng Shui adjustment called the Sealing the Doors Ceremony that is beneficial and recommended to be performed when:

  • You are keeping ashes in the home
  • You’ve had bad luck in a house
  • You’ve been robbed
  • Occupants are feeling unsafe
  • Your home is located across from a church, cemetery or funeral home
  • You suspect other living spirits are present within your house

To obtain a copy of the Sealing the Doors adjustment, please email me at I will request that you honor the Red Envelope tradition in exchange for receiving the adjustment.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

GIFT – Open the Door to a Brighter Life!

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!

Bells Brrrrring Good Things


Bells are commonly used in Feng Shui for adjustments and for attracting energy and opportunities. Bells are used in many religious and spiritual practices as well. Bells even symbolize holidays such as Christmas or the winter season (think sleigh bells). There’s something magical about the sound of bells that makes you stop and listen. The sound of church bells ringing or a doorbell certainly gets your attention.

Bells represent movement and also have a calling or attraction energy. They can be used for protection and decision making as well. Brass bells are often recommended and you should personally like the sound or tone of the bell if it is something that you are using within your home or office.

So what about bells and Feng Shui? What can a little bell do for you?  Use bells as an adjustment for:

  • Clearing the energy in your home or office
  • Helps you find your ground and keeps your personal balance
  • Front door to brrrring in opportunities
  • Office door to call in new clients
  • Clearing energy in rental spaces/hotel rooms/vendor booths
  • Hotel room door for protection and a feeling of safety
  • Protecting your purse
  • Protecting $$ in your cash box or cash register
  • Ringing over clutter to help you decide what to keep
  • Helpful People corner of your desk to call in more clients

Bells can also be used as an adjustment for certain door situations in Feng Shui. For example, If you have a “empty door” (a door that leads nowhere as in the case of a door to a deck that hasn’t been built yet) you can hang a bell on the door handle, either inside or outside, to remedy this “going nowhere” energy.

Another one of my favorite ways to use bells is to call the money back when you have a door in your Wealth area. My client Amy experienced the power of this adjustment first hand.

“I have always been interested in Feng Shui and have even tried to apply it to my home and office space myself…although without any great success. When I learned that Kim would come and do a consult at my home, I jumped at the opportunity! I was amazed at the subtle changes or fixes I could do and what an amazing impact these can make.

I hung a bell with a purple ribbon on my patio door ‘to call the money back’ and just found a 401K investment from a previous employer valued at almost $100K! I also started as an Independent Meeting Planner a year ago and have had a very prosperous first year that ended with a business trip (and mini vacation) to Hawaii in November. My home feels harmonious and I am energized by all the wonderful things that are happening!”     

Amy-Marie Lemanski, AML Events, Plymouth, MN

You can hang your bell with a purple ribbon as Amy did (symbolizing wealth) or use a 9″ red ribbon. Red is considered an auspicious color in Feng Shui and 9 is about reaching new heights as it’s the last number before the numbers start over.

Find a bell you love and start brrrrringing in good things!


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

Shut the Front Door…or open it!


When you hear someone talk about Feng Shui, an image of a front door painted red may come to mind. In Feng Shui, we refer to the front door as the “mouth of chi.” This is where the energy and opportunities enter your home and, in effect, your life.

Can you see your front door from the street? Or is it blocked by overgrown bushes or trees? Perhaps your front door is actually on the side of the house. How is the energy and opportunities going to find you?! Is the pathway from the street to your front door welcoming? What about your front door itself? Does it blend in with the rest of the house?

The truth is you don’t need to paint your front door red. The point of the red front door is making your door stand out from the rest of the house to attract good luck, good energy (chi) and opportunities. You can paint it another color, different from the siding, shutters, trim and roof, but make sure it’s a color that you love. If you live in a condo and can’t paint it, hang a pretty wreath on the door to make it stand out instead. Below are additional ideas to use your front door to attract and welcome new opportunities:

  •  Make sure the doorbell works
  •  Sweep the steps
  •  Change the front mat to a seasonal favorite
  •  Remove dead plants left over from the summer and replace with greenery (such as mini potted evergreen trees)
  •  Make sure the front door can open fully. Storing your shoes or other  items behind it may seem like a great idea, however, it limits your opportunities. Opportunity may knock and not be able to get into the house!

How often do you use your front door…actually go in and out of it? Convenience has most of us parking in our garage and entering and exiting our homes through the garage door. To increase opportunities, try this:

Go in and out of your front door for 9 days in a row. This energy shifting practice is particularly powerful if you are looking for a job or want to increase your career opportunities. Then, use the front door at least once a week thereafter.

So, don’t shut the front door – OPEN IT to welcome money and opportunities into your home and your life.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels