Unexpected Messages


Messages are constantly being sent to us from our Loved Ones, Angels and Guides.

Are you paying attention?

Are you hearing, seeing and acknowledging them?

This story, shared with me by a client, is a fun demonstration of how messages (often in creative ways) are sent to us all of the time!

Gracie’s son, Max, was driving the family car and came home really frustrated. He complained that every time he turned the steering wheel towards the right, the car’s horn would honk. It was driving him crazy and he was embarrassed and said “I’m never driving that car again!”

Gracie took the car in to the shop to see what was causing the honking. What they found was surprising and led to big smiles and lots of laughter from Gracie.  (Hang in there…I’ll share what they found in a moment.)

Something important to know is that your loved ones (+ angels and guides) communicate with you in many ways. They send you SIGNS in the form of physical objects, songs, words (you see or hear), animals, scents and more. Dimes and pennies are often sent by loved ones to let you know they are with you or thinking about you. 

Communication from non-physical beings also comes through SYMBOLS that have meaning for you, such as a feather by your feet signaling you are on the right path or a rainbow symbolizing you’ve done a good job. 

SYNCHRONICITIES are another form of Divine communication. These are circumstances that line up in magical ways that cannot be explained logically, like when you run into an old friend unexpectedly or you open Facebook and find a post in your feed that inspires or motivates you. 

Often, these messages from Spirit and loved ones, come as a surprise or are unexpected. The important thing to remember is to be awake, aware and watch for these signs, symbols and synchronicities.  

When Gracie brought the car Max had been driving into the shop to find out what was causing the honking, she certainly wasn’t expecting a message from her dad.

After taking the steering wheel apart to determine the problem, the technician shared a video with Gracie showing her the honking culprit. What the video showed was that a dime had fallen into the steering wheel and that’s what was causing the honking!

Gracie knew this was a message from her dad (Max’s grandfather) who had died three years prior.
Just before the car started honking, Max had been awarded a college scholarship for football and Gracie knew, without a doubt, that her dad had dropped the dime in the steering wheel to congratulate Max! 

Every time Max drove the car, his grandpa was cheering for him. 

Honk, honk, honk! “Congrats on your scholarship Max!”

The truth is that Divine Beings are communicating with you and sending you messages every single day, all day long. So watch for them and share your stories with me and others to spread the love! 

For more detailed guidance on how Loved Ones, Angels and Spirit communicates with you, watch these free videos:

I’d love to help you find and live your Fiji (aka your dream life)!

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Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!

Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door. PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox! 

Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?

Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!


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Angel Message Circles (great way to receive Angel Answers at a low cost!)
Feng Shui Consults (balance energy in home to create your dream life)
Angel Readings (private recorded sessions + include Angel Insight Guide)
Space Clearing (clear stuck energy to sleep better & feel better)
Coaching (receive ongoing support for life or business)

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Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach

Sign Guiding Me To Maui


I knew that I was meant to move from Minnesota.

I had felt that for several years before the actual move. I originally thought I might move to California because I enjoyed the time I spent there during my GoldSwap business days in Sacramento and visiting family in the Los Angeles area. Seattle had also come up as a positive place for me in my Astrocartography. Yet my soul longed for a tropical locale…a place where palm trees swayed in ocean breezes and sunshine was abundant.

I had felt a strong connection with the Hawaiian Islands since the early 2000s when I first visited with my husband at the time. We purchased a timeshare on Kauai and visited Hawaii several times over the years both alone and with our young boys. We spent the majority of our time on Kauai but also visited Oahu and the Big Island. I was never able to arrange a timeshare exchange on Maui, which now looking back seems serendipitous.

I had been receiving nudge after nudge (little signs if you will) about moving to Maui, despite never having visited the island before. This was a huge step, a big leap of faith and I felt I the need for more reassurance from my Spiritual Team that this was my path.

I needed a sign.

I told my Team that if I was truly meant to move to Maui that they needed to give me a clear sign, something that would be ridiculously obvious to me and would confirm that it was part of my Divinely Aligned Path to move to Maui. I asked that this sign be something that I could not ignore.

And send a sign they did!

The very next day as I drove into my driveway after running some errands, I noticed a package sitting by my front door. It was December 8th and I had been receiving a lot of gifts in the mail as I was participating in a Secret Santa Sister gift exchange. The gifts were coming to me from friends of friends, many of whom lived out of state and none were people that I personally knew. Sometimes the Secret Santa sender would put a little note in the package, but more often the gift would arrive anonymously. Such was the case with the package I received that day.

The package was a typical brown shipping box and it felt light as I brought it into the house, excited to see what was in it. I set the box on my kitchen counter and used a knife to slice through the tape that secured the box shut. I pulled up the flaps of the box up. The sender had wrapped the gifts and placed them in the bottom of the box and then used a couple small handled shopping bags to act as a cushion for the gifts.

I pulled the first of the shopping bags out and set it on the counter next to the box. I was drawn to the color of it as it was a beautiful aqua blue, the color of the ocean and one of my favorite colors. As I took another look at the bag and read the store inscription on it, a big grin spread across my face and I thanked my guides.

They had sent me a sign that was so crystal clear I couldn’t ignore it. The inscription on the bag was Maui Divers Jewelry!! Having received this magnificent sign, I now felt confident that I was, in fact, following my Divinely Aligned Path in moving to Maui!

Life can be confusing. Do you need help figuring out your next steps or need guidance about something specific in your life? Do you want help determining what to do within your home to boost the power of your intentions for Health, Career, Finances and Relationships?

Let’s chat! I offer a FREE 20 minute Virtual Coffee Chat

Or Schedule an Angel Reading for Guidance or Feng Shui Consult to shift the energy in your space!

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels

How to Shake Up Your Chi


Clients often share with me that they feel stuck or unmotivated or that they cannot shift a particular area of their life and as a result are feeling frustrated. Sometimes things were going well and then they suddenly feel they have hit a plateau. When this happens, I first recommend energetically clearing both their homes and offices. (For more information on Space Clearing, watch this video or find more information about Space Clearing here.)

Next, I look at how we can shift the energy in their space and their life. Shifting energy is which is what feng shui is all about!

In feng shui, chi refers to energy. Everything has chi or energy – physical objects, cars, homes, offices and even human beings. You may have heard a person’s personal energy referred to as their vibration.

When we are “in flow” our chi/energy is good and we are vibrating at a high level. You have experienced this when you “happened” to be in the right place at the right time or things lined up easily for you, without a lot of effort on your part.

Then there are times when things are not flowing. You may feel like you are moving through mud and perhaps cannot seem to get any traction. Or you may feel like you are not moving at all. You may, in fact, be energetically stuck.

If you’re feeling stuck or out of sorts, it might be time to SHAKE UP your CHI! 

There are many ways to shift out of this stuck place. One of my favorite ways is to shake up your chi. Shifting your chi or energy, allows you to see circumstances from a fresh perspective which leads to ideas and solutions that you cannot access from that stuck place.

The next time you’re feeling stuck, try one of these six ways to Shake Up Your Chi: 

  1. Try something new! Try a new restaurant or food, a new activity, a new experience, a new way of doing something or learning something new (take a class).
  2. Take a new route. Drive down a different road. Take a different route to or from work. Walk a different way. I remember walking the opposite way that I normally would go and saw so many things I never noticed walking the other way. For peeps in Maui, swim at a different beach or hike a new trail.
  3. Move your furniture around. This method shifts the energy in your space in a very real way. My landlord recently brought me different living room furniture and a different kitchen table and it totally changed the energy I felt in that space and opened it up too. Creating more flow by clearing walkways through your house helps too.
  4. Change up your routine. Do your daily activities in a different order, like getting dressed before you look at your phone or meditating, exercising or walking at a different time of day. You could also go in and out a different door (hello front door!), use different dishes – maybe even the fine china. Eat in a different room, like that dining room that is used so rarely. Even putting your right sock or shoe on first instead of your left can shake up your chi!
  5. Pick a random letter and call someone you haven’t talked to in awhile (thanks for this one Gary V). Talking to an old friend or a family member you haven’t chatted with lately can be a great way to remind you what’s important in life too.
  6. And, the ultimate way to shake up your chi?! Go on VACATION or on a RETREAT!!! Yes, it’s true! Changing your physical environment is a wonderful way to shake up your chi, especially if you are visiting a place you have never been or doing something you have never done before.

Comment below to let me know if you try any of these or what your favorite ways are to shake up your chi!


Feng Shui can be confusing. Do you need help figuring out your Bagua? Do you want help determining what to do within your home to boost the power of your intentions for Health, Career, Finances and Relationships?

Let’s chat! I offer a FREE 20 minute Virtual Coffee Chat. I’d love to get to know you better and give you 2-4 ideas to help you shift the energy in your space and in your life.

Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels


Are Your Sink & Stove Arguing?


If you’ve been in my tribe for awhile you may have heard me say that your home both reflects and affects you. Everything is energy and the things in your home and the way they are positioned impact you.

How do you know if your sink and stove are arguing? 

Look at the placement of the sink and stove in your kitchen. If the sink is directly across from the stove, this is considered an “arguing” sink and stove. This is energetically challenging because it can literally cause arguing in or outside of the home. Many clients don’t mention arguing as an issue, but when I point out the arguing sink and stove and ask them, they agree that they do argue and often right in the kitchen between the sink and stove!  Once we remedied the issue, the arguing subsided.

There are two options for using Feng Shui to remedy this challenging situation:

1. Place a round rug between the sink and stove or place a rug in front of either the sink or stove that has a pattern with circles on it.


2. Hang a crystal from the ceiling between the sink and stove. A 20 mm crystal is a good size. The crystal should be round and made with at least 30% lead (this has a balancing energy to it). The crystal should hang freely and can be hung with a 9″ red (lucky color) thread or 9″ fishing line. In Feng Shui the number 9 is auspicious and is about reaching new heights (and who doesn’t want to do that?!)

The round energy of the rug or crystal will disperse the arguing between the sink and stove and balance the energy in the space.

If arguing continues to be an issue after the adjustment is placed, please reach out to me as there are other circumstances within the home that can also contribute the energy of arguments.

I would also recommend that you energetically clear your space if there has been a lot of arguing in your home (either during or before you moved there, as in the case of a divorced couple having lived there prior to you).  Watch this video for instructions on how to clear your space with sage.


Get in the FLOW with 6 simple Feng Shui keys for your Front Door!
Feng Shui increases the flow of energy & abundance into your home & life! Learn 6 ways to Open the Door to a Better Life using your front door.
PLUS, you get a FREE full color Bagua and my FIND YOUR FLOW Masterclass series bonus in your inbox!
Want me to be your mentor on your journey to truly loving your life?
Join the LOVE YOUR LIFE Initiative, a nine module program that walks you through your complete transformation from spinning your wheels, feeling stuck and second-guessing yourself to taking action with clarity and confidence to create a life where you FEEL CLEAR, CONNECTED and IN THE FLOW. It’s self-paced, on-demand and includes lifetime access to weekly coaching calls with me! Feeling the nudge? Schedule a FREE Discovery Session today!
Kim Julen
Feng Shui Intuitive Coach
 Join my FREE private Facebook Group!  Find Your Flow with Feng Shui & Angels